Damn women programmers.
For the last week, however, my project at hand has been a bit of a slideshow project, which I hope to be able to do all kinds of neat stuff with at some point, and has turned out to be more therapeutic than anything else. Working in ActionScript, I've managed to get the last kinks worked out of the looping and tweening in a way that I'm happy with. I have a Slide class which loads into it my image, and is then added to a sprite in my Main class. This is, by all means, a work in progress. Next key points to tackle:
- Pulling the image url from an xml file into imagesArray and pushing from that to my slides
- Working with better loader classes - LoaderMax? - to load in my images
- Externalizing my slideBox sprite as it's own SlideBox class
- A dynamic text field associated with each image, pulled in from the xml, and placed into some kind of 50% alpha'd overlay
- Nav buttons right and left
- Figure out why my code breaks when I change the Xscale and Yscale params to Height and Width... Which when I'm not using a random file of desktops which are massive, will be essential
- FINALLY: Exporting for mobile - Android and iOS.
######## SlideShow.as ########
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.events.Event;
import com.greensock.TweenLite;
public class SlideShow extends Sprite
public var fileRequest1:URLRequest;
public var fileRequest2:URLRequest;
public var fileRequest3:URLRequest;
public var imageArray:Array;
private var slidenum:int;
private var looping:Boolean = false;
public var thisSlide:ASlide;
public var newSlide:ASlide;
public var slideBox:Sprite;
public function SlideShow()
slidenum = 0;
imageArray = new Array(["assets/ud_01.jpg"],["assets/ud_02.jpg"],
addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
slideBox = new Sprite();
public function onClick(e:MouseEvent)
if (! looping)
fileRequest1 = new URLRequest(imageArray[slidenum]);
thisSlide = new ASlide(fileRequest1);
fileRequest2 = new URLRequest(imageArray[slidenum + 1]);
newSlide = new ASlide(fileRequest2);
newSlide.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, onLoaded);
else if (looping)
fileRequest2 = new URLRequest(imageArray[slidenum]);
newSlide = new ASlide(fileRequest2);
newSlide.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, onLoaded);
public function onLoaded(e:Event)
if (looping)
slideBox.addChildAt(newSlide, 3);
newSlide.x = 550;
newSlide.y = 210;
newSlide.scaleX = .01;
newSlide.scaleY = .008;
TweenLite.to(slideBox.getChildAt(1), .5, {x:-600});
TweenLite.to(slideBox.getChildAt(2), .5, {x:-225, y:110, scaleX:.1, scaleY:.08});
TweenLite.to(slideBox.getChildAt(0), .5, {x:50, y:50, scaleX:.15, scaleY:.13});
TweenLite.to(slideBox.getChildAt(3), .5, {x:475, y:110, scaleX:.1, scaleY:.08, onStart:shuffle});
if (slidenum == imageArray.length)
slidenum = 0;
else if (!looping)
if (slidenum == 1)
slideBox.addChildAt(newSlide, 0);
newSlide.x = 550;
newSlide.y = 210;
newSlide.scaleX = .01;
newSlide.scaleY = .008;
TweenLite.to(newSlide, .5, {x:475, y:110, scaleX:.1, scaleY:.08, delay:.2});
slideBox.addChildAt(thisSlide, 1);
thisSlide.x = 550;
thisSlide.y = 110;
thisSlide.scaleX = .1;
thisSlide.scaleY = .08;
TweenLite.to(thisSlide, .5, {x:50, y:50, scaleX:.15, scaleY:.13, delay:.1});
if (slidenum == 2)
slideBox.addChildAt(newSlide, 0);
newSlide.x = 550;
newSlide.y = 210;
newSlide.scaleX = .01;
newSlide.scaleY = .008;
TweenLite.to(slideBox.getChildAt(2), .5, {x:-225, y:110, scaleX:.1, scaleY:.08});
// this to old (1);
TweenLite.to(slideBox.getChildAt(1), .5, {x:50, y:50, scaleX:.15, scaleY:.13, onStart:newThisSwitch});
// new to this (2);
TweenLite.to(slideBox.getChildAt(0), .5, {x:475, y:110, scaleX:.1, scaleY:.08});
// new in (0;//newSlide is at index 0, oldSlide is at index 1, thisSlide is at index 2
else if (slidenum >= 3 && slidenum < imageArray.length - 1)
slideBox.addChildAt(newSlide, 3);
newSlide.x = 550;
newSlide.y = 210;
newSlide.scaleX = .01;
newSlide.scaleY = .008;
TweenLite.to(slideBox.getChildAt(1), .5, {x:-600});
TweenLite.to(slideBox.getChildAt(2), .5, {x:-225, y:110, scaleX:.1, scaleY:.08});
TweenLite.to(slideBox.getChildAt(0), .5, {x:50, y:50, scaleX:.15, scaleY:.13});
TweenLite.to(slideBox.getChildAt(3), .5, {x:475, y:110, scaleX:.1, scaleY:.08, onStart:shuffle});
else if (slidenum == imageArray.length - 1)
slideBox.addChildAt(newSlide, 3);
newSlide.x = 550;
newSlide.y = 210;
newSlide.scaleX = .01;
newSlide.scaleY = .008;
TweenLite.to(slideBox.getChildAt(1), .5, {x:-600});
TweenLite.to(slideBox.getChildAt(2), .5, {x:-225, y:110, scaleX:.1, scaleY:.08});
TweenLite.to(slideBox.getChildAt(0), .5, {x:50, y:50, scaleX:.15, scaleY:.13});
TweenLite.to(slideBox.getChildAt(3), .5, {x:475, y:110, scaleX:.1, scaleY:.08, onStart:shuffle});
slidenum = 0;
looping = true;
private function thisOldSwitch()
slideBox.swapChildrenAt(2, 1);
private function newThisSwitch()
slideBox.swapChildrenAt(2, 1);
private function shuffle()
slideBox.swapChildrenAt(3, 0); // added swaps with this for on top
slideBox.removeChildAt(1); // remove old tweened to left
######## ASlide.as ########
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
public class ASlide extends Sprite
public var myLoader:Loader;
public var thisWidth:int;
public var thisHeight:int;
public function ASlide(theURL:URLRequest)
myLoader = new Loader();
myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onLoaderProgress);
myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaderComplete);
public function onLoaderProgress(e:ProgressEvent)
public function onLoaderComplete(e:Event)
I'm sure, yes, there has to be a better way, but trust me guys, as I said, this is more therapy than anything.
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